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There’s something I find rewarding in developing in a constrained environment. Games in particular are a fun challenge when CPU power, RAM and graphics are limited. This is the environment that the earliest developers had to work with, especially on early consoles like the Atari 2600.

The MakerBUINO is an Arduino based gaming handheld with low-res, monochrome graphics displayed on recycled Nokia cell phone screens. You can purchase the kits assembled or build it yourself with a bit of soldering skill.

I currently have two projects working for MakerBUINO, both ports of Atari age classics.


MeteoSmash is a version of the Intellivision classic Astrosmash. All of its basic gameplay elements have been implemented, including splitting meteors, bombs, guided missiles, UFOs, increasing difficulty, score multipliers and hyperspace teleporting.

Lost City

This is a port of the Imagic classic Atlantis. This was more challenging to duplicate, as the low-res graphics made it difficult to represent the different ship types accurately. The smaller screen also made this more challenging, but overall it is going well.